Product | Solvent | Solid grease | Bonding system | Usage temperature °C | Hardening |
BESLUX COAT WT-01 | water | PTFE | Acrylat | –60 to 150 | 30 min. at RT |
BESLUX COAT WT-02 | water | PTFE | Acrylat | –60 to 150 | 30 min. at RT |
BESLUX COAT WM-01 | water | MoS2 | PU | –70 to 250 | 60 min. at RT |
BESLUX COAT WG-01 | water | Graphit | PU | –70 to 250 | 60 min. at RT |
BESLUX COAT SM-01 | organic | MoS2 | PAI | –70 to 280 | 30 min. at 220°C |
BESLUX COAT SMT-01 | organic | MoS2, PTFE | PAI | –50 to 120 | 30 min. at 220°C |
BESLUX COAT SMT-02 | organic | MoS2, PTFE | PAI | –40 to 180 | 30 min. at 220°C |
BESLUX COAT SM-A | organic | MoS2, Graphit | Titanat | –180 to 450 | 60 min. at RT |
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