Product Thickeners and others |
Consistencies available | Properties / Characteristics Drop point |
Applications Industrial activities |
G. BESLUX GEARLUB EH-00 Lithium + a. mineral |
NLGI 00/000 | Fluid grease for gearing under oil sump, with 680-viscosity oil. FZG
12 Test. N.D. |
Guides, reduction units, closed crown coil transmissions, transmissions. General industry |
G. BESLUX SINCART M-00 Lithium + a. synthetic |
NLGI 00 | vory grease with high-stability, adherence and resistance to ageing. Min. 185ºC |
Reduction units and variators and mechanisms in general. Gearings under oil
sump. General industry |
G. BESLUX SINGEAR M-00 Inorganic + a. semi-synthetic |
NLGI 00 | Fluid lithium grease with extreme pressure properties of excellent
lubricating properties. Working temperature –20 to 120 ºC. Min. 300ºC |
Reduction units and industrial gearboxes, mechanisms in general that require
a fluid and very pumpable grease. Industria general |
G.A. N.850 EP-00 | NLGI 00 | Improved anti-wear properties, life-long lubrication. Compatibility with a.
minerals. Min. 300ºC |
Reduction units, variators and mechanisms in general. Gearings under oil
sump. General industry |
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