Product Thickeners and others |
Consistencies available | Properties / Characteristics Drop point |
Applications Industrial activities |
G.A. BESSIL P-1 Inorganic + a. silicone |
PASTA | Insoluble, sealant, water-resistant and dielectric, silicone paste. Min. 300°C |
Electrical isolation protection. General industry |
G.A. BESSIL 20 Inorganic + a. silicone |
NLGI 2/3 | For general greasing, good compatibility with rubber, temperatures. Min. 300°C |
Chemical atmosphere, humidity, direct interaction with water, taps. Chemical, tap industry |
G.A. BESSIL 25 Inorganic + a. silicone |
NLGI 2/3 NSF H-1 certified |
Silicone, non-poisonous grease with excellent resistance to cold and hot
water. NSF H-1. Min. 300°C |
Variations in temperature, resistance to chemical agents, water
activities. Taps, potability industry |
G. BESLUX BESSIL AT-2 Lithium complex + a. specific |
NLGI 2 | Good range in application temperatures, –40 to 220°C. Min. 250°C |
Specific for lubrication of gas valves. General industry |
G. BESLUX BESSIL L-2 Lithium + a. silicone |
NLGI 2 | Ivory grease, specific for extremely low temperatures (-70°C) Min. 200°C |
Guides, plastics and rubbers. Elements with few loads at low
temperatures. General industry |
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