Product Thickeners and others |
Consistencies available | Properties / Characteristics Drop point |
Applications Industrial activities |
G. BESLUX ATOX TF/S Inorganic + PTFE |
NLGI 2 NSF H-1 certified |
White, non-poisonous grease with PTFE, temperatures of 140ºC to 180ºC. Min. 300ºC |
Ovens, guides, chains, bearings at temperatures with max. points at
200ºC Food industry |
G. BESLUX TF M-2/S Inorganic + a. sint. + PTFE |
NLGI 2 | Green grease with PTFE with temperatures between –40ºC to 200ºC. Low
environmental impact. Min. 300ºC |
Roadblocks, rear shocks, guides, contact moulds in
metal/rubber/plastic. Automotive components and general industry |
G.A. N.800 TF | NLGI 2 | White multifunctional grease with PTFE. Min. 300ºC |
Mechanisms and bearings in general that require a lubricating grease with
PTFE. Automotive components and general industry |
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phone: +421 911 465 959
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